Wednesday, January 2, 2013


We have been waiting on pins and needles for our coveted email from Eastern Europe! We are going to have our DAP appt. Feb. 11, 2013. Yes that's alittle under 5 weeks away!! I am very excited but have never seen anyone have to wait that long before they travel. The average wait to travel after you recieve your dates is about 2 weeks. So from submitting it will be 10.5 weeks!! WOW, that's a long wait!! Don't get me wrong we are very excited but i don't like having to wait for things! I guess i need to learn patience!!! Until then we have alot of packing and learning the language. While we are in country we will be very limited on what we can say publically. So i will have a private facebook page if you would like to know more. A BIG THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HELPED US GET TO THIS POINT!!! We have seriously had our prayers answered and been blessed beyond measure!! We are fully funded and feel honored to have recieved such blessings! A huge thank you to anyone and everyone who contributed, Austens work, 2 anonymous donors and many more generous people that can't be named now. I guess i can't complain anymore about the wait, the blessings outnumber the waiting! Keep you all updated on whats next!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!

    I gave a shout out for Adalia on my Facebook page :) She was my first Angel Tree.

    All the best to your family! Send our regards to Dr. Lydia from Dima's family. We think about everyone all of the time. If you wish to have some American contacts in Adalia's region please feel free to contact me and I would be happy to give you some information.
